FLAG-tag, or FLAG octapeptide, or FLAG epitope, is a polypeptide protein tag that can be added to a protein using recombinant DNA technology, having the sequence motif DYKDDDDK. It has been used for studying proteins in living cells and for protein purification by affinity chromatography. It has been used to separate recombinant, overexpressed protein from wild-type protein expressed by the host organism. It can also be used in the isolation of protein complexes with multiple subunits, because its mild purification procedure tends not to disrupt such complexes. It has been used to obtain proteins of sufficient purity and quality to carry out 3D structure determination by x-ray crystallography.A FLAG-tag can be used in many different assays that require recognition by an antibody. If there is no antibody against a given protein, adding a FLAG-tag to a protein allows the protein to be studied with an antibody against the FLAG sequence. Examples are cellular localization studies by immunofluorescence or detection by SDS PAGE protein electrophoresis and Western blotting.
武汉爱博泰克生物(ABclonal)科技有限公司是国产品牌,她成立于2011年,公司依托ABclonal美国波士顿抗体与蛋白研发中心、中国光谷生物城(武汉)抗体生产基地以及上海张江分子酶研发中心,凝聚了十余位来自哈佛大学、麻省理工、复旦大学、上海交大、中科院生化细胞所和武汉大学的全球知名分子和免疫学方面博士,组成我们的科学家团队,通过聚焦抗体与酶核心技术,致力于打破国际技术的垄断,将公司打造成为科研工具和诊断原料的国内领导品牌,乃至弯道超越国际巨头。 我们拥有包括兔多克隆抗体、小鼠单克隆抗体、兔单克隆抗体的生产研发平台,同时也有包括WB,IHC,IF,IP,CHIP在内的检测平台,我们对每一支自产的抗体进行了严格的检测。当然,我们部分直销地区也可以帮客户代购进口品牌的产品。同时也有抗体定制服务。ABclonal抗体优势:1,严自检,保质量;2产品多,指标全;3,价格低,货期短。注:ABclonal抗体价格体系详情见附件
ABclonal抗体成分在平时工作当中,常会有客户咨询我们的抗体用的什么buffer进行保存,一般来说,我们的buffer的成分是:PBS含0.03%的proclin300、0.05%牛血清白蛋白、50%甘油;也有一些是PBS含0.03%的proclin300,50%甘油。防腐剂 Proclin 300活性成分主要是2-甲基-4-异噻唑啉-3-酮(MCI)和5-氯-2-甲基-4-异噻唑啉-3-酮(CMCI)。ProClin生物灭活剂能够迅速穿透细胞膜,抑制对细胞呼吸至关重要的特定酶,因此一接触微生物有机体就会立即抑制细胞活性。ProClin的多个特定毒性位点可以防止微生物产生高水平的耐药性。