产品中心 / 产品类型 / 重组蛋白 / 细胞因子 & 细胞因子受体

Recombinant Human CCL21 Protein (RP01402)

Recombinant Human CCL21 Protein was determined by SDS-PAGE with Coomassie Blue, showing a band at 16-17kDa.

货号: RP01402
促销价:   ¥780
货    期:现货产品
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E. coli
Recombinant Human CCL21 Protein is produced by E. coli expression system. The target protein is expressed with sequence (Ser24-Pro134) of human CCL21/6Ckine (Accession #NP_002980.1) fused with no additional amino acid.
No tag
> 85% by SDS-PAGE.
Please contact us for more information.
Lyophilized from a 0.22 μm filtered solution of PBS, pH 7.4.
Store at -20℃.Store the lyophilized protein at -20℃ to -80 ℃ up to 1 year from the date of receipt.
After reconstitution, the protein solution is stable at -20℃ for 3 months, at 2-8℃ for up to 1 week.未开盖的干粉蛋白在 -20°C至-80°C可保存12个月;
Centrifuge the vial before opening. Reconstitute to a concentration of 0.1-0.5 mg/mL in sterile distilled water. Avoid vortex or vigorously pipetting the protein. For long term storage, it is recommended to add a carrier protein or stablizer (e.g. 0.1% BSA, 5% HSA, 10% FBS or 5% Trehalose), and aliquot the reconstituted protein solution to minimize free-thaw cycles.收到重组蛋白产品之后请检查蛋白冻干粉末是否贴于瓶底,如果粉末浮起,开盖之前请先低温离心。将蛋白用说明书中指定的缓冲液复溶至0.1-0.5 mg/mL(请注意蛋白复溶浓度不能低于0.1 mg/mL),室温平衡5-10 min保证充分溶解,复溶过程中请不要剧烈涡旋及吹打蛋白溶液。如需长期储存,建议复溶时添加载体蛋白或者稳定剂(如0.1% BSA, 5% HSA, 10% FBS 或者 5% 海藻糖),同时将复溶后的蛋白溶液按照需求进行分装,储存于-20°C至-80°C,随取随用,避免反复冻融。




Chemokines are a family of small chemotactic cytokines, or proteins secreted by cells. Chemokines share the same structure similarities such as small size, and the presence of four cysteine residues in conserved locations in order to form their 3-dimensional shape. Some of the chemokines are considered pro-inflammatory which can be induced to recruit cells of the immune system to a site of infection during an immune response, while others are considered homeostatic and are implied in controlling the migration of cells during normal processes of tissue maintenance and development. There are four members of the chemokine family: C-C kemokines, C kemokines, CXC kemokines and CX3C kemokines. The C-C kemokines have two cysteines nearby the amino terminus. There have been at least 27 distinct members of this subgroup reported for mammals, called C-C chemokine ligands-1 to 28. Chemokine ligand 21(CCL21), also known as 6Ckine, exodus-2, and secondary lymphoid-tissue chemokine(SLC), is a small cytokine belonging to the C-C chemokine family. CCL21 takes its name 6Ckine for its consititutively six conserved cysteine residues but not four cysteines typical to chemokines. CCL21 has function in ininducing vigorous calcium migrations and chemotactic responses.
