


截头多肽矩阵 Truncation Peptide Library

Truncation peptide libraries are used to identify the shortest amino acid sequence needed for activity. The library is constructed by systemically removing the flanking residues of the original peptide. If the essential amino acids are known (eg. by Alanine Scanning), the direction of truncation can be tailored to maintain these residues and truncate from the opposite end.

Special Instructions

Enter the number of residues you wish to remove per truncation step from the N- and C-Terminus respectively. A value of 1 will remove a single amino acid at a time. A value of 0 at either terminus will fix that end of the sequence.

T-cell Truncated

T-cell Truncated peptide libraries allow the testing of all possible T-cell epitopes (ie. all 8 to 11-mers) across a protein of interest. In each tube, we provide equimolar mixtures of the four C-terminal peptides for each nominal 11-mer. After screening, positive tubes can be deconvoluted for precise epitope identification.

Special Instructions

For T-cell epitope mapping, a length of 11 should be defined. This will generate equimolar sets, each containing homologous 11-, 10-, 9- and 8-mer peptides. For alternate mapping strategies, other lengths may also be defined using this tool. For example, if a length of 15 is defined, then sets containing every 15-, 14-, 13- and 12-mer will be generated.

inus respectively. A value of 1 will remove a single amino acid at a time. A value of 0 at either terminus will fix that end of the sequence.

Truncation Peptide Library

随机多肽文库 Random Peptide Library

此多肽文库的设计是以20种天然氨基酸通过鸟枪式法(shotgun approach)同时地、随机地取代被选择的氨基酸残基。泽溪源的随机多肽文库在被选择的氨基酸中构建了尽可能多的突变。这类文库中的替代肽有可能是增强多肽活性的。

Random Peptide Library

位点扫描肽库 Positional Scanning Peptide Library

Positional scanning is an important tool for peptide sequence optimization. This identifies an amino acid of interest at a single position and substitutes it with all other natural amino acids one at a time. Changes in activity identify the preferred amino acid residues at this positions.

Special Instructions

Enter your target sequence as well as the position(s) of the amino acid to be substituted, counting from the N-Terminus. A total of 20 sequences will be generated for each positional replacement.

2-Positional Scan

Positional scanning is an important tool for peptide sequence optimization. Two position combinatorial scanning identifies amino acids of interest at two given positions and substitutes them with all other natural amino acids one at a time. Changes in activity identify the preferred amino acid residues at these positions.

Special Instructions

Enter your original sequence as well as the position of the two amino acids to be substituted, counting from the N-Terminus. A total of 20 x 20 = 400 sequences will be generated.each positional replacement.

3-Positional Scan

Positional scanning is an important tool for peptide sequence optimization. Three position combinatorial scanning identifies amino acids of interest at three given positions and substitutes them with all other natural amino acids one at a time. Changes in activity identify the preferred amino acid residues at these positions.

Special Instructions

Enter your original sequence as well as the position of the three amino acids to be substituted, counting from the N-Terminus. A total of 20 x 20 x 20 = 8000 sequences will be generated.

Positional Scanning Peptide Library

Ala筛选矩阵 Alanine Peptide Scanning Library

Alanine Scanning is an approach to identify specific amino acid residues responsible for a peptide’s activity. Alanine is used to substitute each residue sequentially.Substitution of an essential amino acid results in a reduction in peptide activity, with the degree of reduction taken as a relative measure of the importance of the amino acid being substituted.

Special Instructions

Alanine is the smallest chiral amino acid and is therefore most commonly used as the scanning substitute. However, any other amino acid may be used. Please contact us directly for more information on alternate scanning strategies.

Alanine Peptide Scanning Library

乱序肽库 Scrambled Peptide Library

Scrambled libraries are constructed through permutation of the original peptide sequence. They are typically used as:

1. Negative controls to show that a specific sequence rather than the amino acid composition is critical for activity; or

2. A tool for finding new leads by creating a random screening library.

Special Instructions

This tool can generate a maximum of 1000 permutations of your original sequence. For larger sets or for complete libraries of all 3-mer or 4-mer peptides containing every possible amino acid combination and permutation, please contact us directly.

Scrambled Peptide Library

首尾相搭多肽矩阵 Overlapping Peptide Library

Overlapping peptide libraries are ideal for T-cell epitope identification because T cell epitopes are by their nature short linear peptides from the primary protein sequence. Overlapping peptide libraries are also appropriate for scanning the primary sequence of proteins for linear, or "continuous", B-cell (antibody-defined) epitopes.

Special Instructions

The library generation process is defined by two parameters: peptide length and offset number which reflects the degree of overlap. The next to last peptide in each set (the 'orphan') is often shorter than the other peptides as it lies at the C-Terminus. The last peptide included in the set represents the orphan sequence plus one or more N-Terminal residues to bring it to the correct length.

Overlapping Peptide Library

服务内容 服务描述
纯度 粗品,70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 98%, 99%
脱盐和转盐 根据客户要求,可对多肽进行脱TFA盐处理,也可以转为醋酸盐
交付时间 30个氨基酸以内, 大概2-3 周, 紧急订单, 1-2 周
质控 每条多肽都免费提供多肽均有MS/HPLC质控报告和COA质控文件
售后服务 收货1-2周内可以提出异议,免费复测,不合格免费退货,1-3个月内使用不合格可以免费提供复测,样品免费保存3个月。
技术支持 多肽技术性支持永久性,客户享受经验丰富的技术专家一对一服务。


  1. 由于每条多肽的合成是根据客户个性化需求,如果订单量较大,可以享受额外的折扣。想了解更多信息, 请联系我们。
  2. 可接受D-氨基酸,特殊氨基酸或任何修饰性氨基酸的多肽合成。
  3. 每条定制多肽均可快递送货上门,每次服务需预付50%定金。


在多肽合成,纯化和QC(quality control)完成以后,会出具质量分析报告包括MS,HLPC和COA文件。这些分析紧跟着QA(quality assurance)程序,保证了最高质量的定制多肽。

Chromatography (HPLC, TLC, GC, IC)
Chromatography coupled to MS (LC-MS/ESI)
Spectroscopy (UV-Vis, IR, NMR)
Metallic Analysis (AAS, ICP, ICP-MS)
Elemental Analysis
Titration (Acid-Base Titration, Karl Fischer Titration)
Amino acid analysis



  • 1. 您可以通过电子邮件、电话或在线与我们联系。
  • 2. 对于批量订单,请发送至邮箱cn.market@abclonal.com,欢迎电话垂询400-999-6126。